July 24, 2008

Yesterday and Today (Mainly Yesterday)

Yesterday, after playing tennis, I had physical therapy for my knee (I have bursitis). I have a window of time in between the end of tennis and my appointment, so I usually get something to eat in that time. More often than not, I will go to Taco Bell. They are great- cheap, delicious food that is just amazing. I had one of the newer items, the Queso Crunchwrap. Ever since I tried one, I was hooked. I thought that the Crunchwrap Supreme looked pretty good, but I really don't like all the lettuce and tomatoes and other stuff a whole lot. So, I never got one. Then, while in line one day, I saw the poster that had the Queso one. It said what was in it and I thought that sounded really tasty and decided to get one. I really liked it, although the tomatoes (part of the fiesta salsa), weren't really that great. Just a personal preference. So this time (yesterday), I got the Queso Cruchwrap again. I asked to go light on the salsa, but when I received it, there was no salsa. I'm not all that sad, but a little would have been OK. It was great and after eating, I left for my therapy.

Fast forward to like, 5:00 p.m. I was with my mom and stepdad, just returning from Wal-Mart, and we stopped at the Taco Bell/KFC nearby. Sadly, there was no chicken- none at all. I heard "The cook just tainted it." My mom thought they said "They just now making it." I'm pretty sure I heard what I heard, but either way, they didn't have chicken, so we left. I did want some popcorn chicken, so we went to another closer-to-home location. We stopped at KFC first to get my mom food, and I got the popcorn chicken, also. Then, we got to Taco Bell and ate there. I got two Cheesy Double Beef Burritos (another favorite), and while eating the first one I noticed that the manager was outside taking down the Queso Crunchwrap posters on the windows. I looked at my mom. "Do you think they'd let me have one?" I said. Without a minute of hesitation I placed my CDBB down and got up from the table, running outside the store. I asked her if I could have the poster and she said it was sticky, like a sticker. I didn't really care about that, though. Worried, I asked "They're not getting rid of it are they?" "No," she said, "there's going to be two new things tomorrow, a chicken wrap and a steak fajita thing." Relieved, I took the poster and thanked her a lot for letting me have it. I was so excited.

I brought my treasure back inside, buzzing with joy. No, my cell phone didn't ring. HA ha (sarcastically). We finished eating and then went home and that was about it for the night. We watched some movie about Donkey Kong video game players and the battles that they had. "The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters" was the title. It was kind of like a documentary, which isn't my favorite kind of movie, but I watched the whole thing. It was interesting enough for a documentary. I had Taco Bell two times this day, and it was good.

The next day, which would be today, was my last day of tennis. It was a lot of fun. Techno music was blasting the whole time we did drills and played, very much different than previous weeks. It was really funny and the techno wasn't that good. But, it was still fun. So, today I just went home after tennis because if I'm not going into town I won't eat out, and I had no reason to go through town. I was at home for about 5 minutes and decide I was hungry, really hungry. I saw two left over cheeseburgers in the refrigerator and had an idea. Double cheeseburger. So I made a double cheeseburger and it was not bad. I was still hungry, probably because I didn't wait for it to set in, so I decided to have cereal. I don't have cereal on Monday-Thursday mornings because milk is supposed to cramp your muscles, and not be good for you if you're going to do physical activity. We just got Cocoa Pebbles, which I don't believe I have had before. I poured a big portion out into a bowl and rained the milk upon it. (That was pretty creative, huh? rained milk...? haha.) I ate that and was really full afterwards.

Sometime previous to my gorge-fest, I took a tape measure to the poster of the Queso Crunchwrap. After wiping the drool from my face, I measured it. It was 4 feet by 2 feet 11 inches. Then I went out to my car with the tape measure, and measured my roof. Considerably larger than the poster! Oh, did I have an idea! However, I did not follow through with it. I told my mother and she suggested that I should see about getting paid to paint my car "Taco Bell". I thought that sounded like an excellent idea. I have seen vehicles with advertising on them for restaurants, and I think I could do that. Who couldn't?

I went to Taco Bell's website and after half an hour of scouring it, I couldn't find anything about what I wanted. So, I went to the "Contact Us" section and filled it out and left this comment:

"I was at this location yesterday and, after receiving our food quickly, noticed that the manager was outside taking down the Queso Crunchwrap posters on the windows. I love the item and thought it would be cool to have one of these posters. We talked a little and she gave it to me and I was very happy. It was so cool to have that, and that she let me have it. Then I was thinking about putting it on the roof of my car, because it could fit. MY question is: Would you pay me to have my car painted "Taco Bell" or put magnets or something on it? That would be really awesome and I look forward to hearing what you have to say. I love Taco Bell and consider it a part of who I am.
Thank you very much,

It said that I would get a response, so that's cool. Now, I am just waiting to hear from them. I will let you all know what happens.


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