July 26, 2008

See Ya!!!!

I wont be psoting at all this coming week due to vacation!

Ocean City, baby!!!!


Here's something I came up with in like a minute (it comes in bursts)....could be part of a song:

Say more about God (in a good way)
Try to stay sharp (and keep the devil away!)

Deeper than the deepest trenches
Longer than the longest fences
And did I forget to mention?
He's bigger than all the dimensions

You didn't reject
Yet you did not accept....

and that's all so far...so ya!!

Bye for a while!

July 25, 2008

Tooonyyyte!!! (Tonight)

Tooonyyyyte, we can be as one.....Tooonyyyte, we can be as one.....

How d'you like that? U2 for you! Haha!

On to the post!

Tonight I went over to my friend's house, at like 4:30. Her house is like 30-45 minutes from mine but it's cool, because her house is fun! Her dog had puppies not that long ago and there are seven there. Only two need homes, however. They are really cute and they just shine with love. That is the best way I can describe a puppy, other than really cute and fluffy, which is overused (slightly gay, also). They are very affectionate and happy to see you. Let's put it like that so we don't confuse ourselves or anyone else.

After spending some time with the puppies, we went inside and played Wii for a bit. Her boyfriend showed up some time later and I think we went outside and played catch, which turned into a rather violent game that he introduced. It would have been more violent, if we were more violent people, but I guess we just weren't cut out for the game.

It was getting darker and we went inside and watched TV for a while (The Colbert Report/AFV), then went back outside to do some fireworks. They were pretty good ones, and it reminded me of this past Fourth, only I had a lot more and slightly bigger stuff. Not to brag or anything, though. Haha.

We retreated inside once again, and my friend's boyfriend left. Another of her friends, Brenda (possibly a cousin, I'm really not sure), arrived and she brought Dance Dance Revolution. I ahve DDR, but do not play it often. But, they played and said I should play, so I did what any self-respecting guy does when confronted with a difficult decision involving a dance game and a girl who is a good friend and one who I've never met before- play the freakin' game! No awkwardness could appear out of that, could it? Well, even though I suck at DDR, there were no awkward moments really. It was cool and I enjoyed it. I left at 10:00 and got back home at about 10:35.

Which, as a matter of fact, leads me here. To tell you about my night. Toooonyyyte...we ca- Oh, no more singing? Sorry.

Good Night everyone!

July 24, 2008

Yesterday and Today (Mainly Yesterday)

Yesterday, after playing tennis, I had physical therapy for my knee (I have bursitis). I have a window of time in between the end of tennis and my appointment, so I usually get something to eat in that time. More often than not, I will go to Taco Bell. They are great- cheap, delicious food that is just amazing. I had one of the newer items, the Queso Crunchwrap. Ever since I tried one, I was hooked. I thought that the Crunchwrap Supreme looked pretty good, but I really don't like all the lettuce and tomatoes and other stuff a whole lot. So, I never got one. Then, while in line one day, I saw the poster that had the Queso one. It said what was in it and I thought that sounded really tasty and decided to get one. I really liked it, although the tomatoes (part of the fiesta salsa), weren't really that great. Just a personal preference. So this time (yesterday), I got the Queso Cruchwrap again. I asked to go light on the salsa, but when I received it, there was no salsa. I'm not all that sad, but a little would have been OK. It was great and after eating, I left for my therapy.

Fast forward to like, 5:00 p.m. I was with my mom and stepdad, just returning from Wal-Mart, and we stopped at the Taco Bell/KFC nearby. Sadly, there was no chicken- none at all. I heard "The cook just tainted it." My mom thought they said "They just now making it." I'm pretty sure I heard what I heard, but either way, they didn't have chicken, so we left. I did want some popcorn chicken, so we went to another closer-to-home location. We stopped at KFC first to get my mom food, and I got the popcorn chicken, also. Then, we got to Taco Bell and ate there. I got two Cheesy Double Beef Burritos (another favorite), and while eating the first one I noticed that the manager was outside taking down the Queso Crunchwrap posters on the windows. I looked at my mom. "Do you think they'd let me have one?" I said. Without a minute of hesitation I placed my CDBB down and got up from the table, running outside the store. I asked her if I could have the poster and she said it was sticky, like a sticker. I didn't really care about that, though. Worried, I asked "They're not getting rid of it are they?" "No," she said, "there's going to be two new things tomorrow, a chicken wrap and a steak fajita thing." Relieved, I took the poster and thanked her a lot for letting me have it. I was so excited.

I brought my treasure back inside, buzzing with joy. No, my cell phone didn't ring. HA ha (sarcastically). We finished eating and then went home and that was about it for the night. We watched some movie about Donkey Kong video game players and the battles that they had. "The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters" was the title. It was kind of like a documentary, which isn't my favorite kind of movie, but I watched the whole thing. It was interesting enough for a documentary. I had Taco Bell two times this day, and it was good.

The next day, which would be today, was my last day of tennis. It was a lot of fun. Techno music was blasting the whole time we did drills and played, very much different than previous weeks. It was really funny and the techno wasn't that good. But, it was still fun. So, today I just went home after tennis because if I'm not going into town I won't eat out, and I had no reason to go through town. I was at home for about 5 minutes and decide I was hungry, really hungry. I saw two left over cheeseburgers in the refrigerator and had an idea. Double cheeseburger. So I made a double cheeseburger and it was not bad. I was still hungry, probably because I didn't wait for it to set in, so I decided to have cereal. I don't have cereal on Monday-Thursday mornings because milk is supposed to cramp your muscles, and not be good for you if you're going to do physical activity. We just got Cocoa Pebbles, which I don't believe I have had before. I poured a big portion out into a bowl and rained the milk upon it. (That was pretty creative, huh? rained milk...? haha.) I ate that and was really full afterwards.

Sometime previous to my gorge-fest, I took a tape measure to the poster of the Queso Crunchwrap. After wiping the drool from my face, I measured it. It was 4 feet by 2 feet 11 inches. Then I went out to my car with the tape measure, and measured my roof. Considerably larger than the poster! Oh, did I have an idea! However, I did not follow through with it. I told my mother and she suggested that I should see about getting paid to paint my car "Taco Bell". I thought that sounded like an excellent idea. I have seen vehicles with advertising on them for restaurants, and I think I could do that. Who couldn't?

I went to Taco Bell's website and after half an hour of scouring it, I couldn't find anything about what I wanted. So, I went to the "Contact Us" section and filled it out and left this comment:

"I was at this location yesterday and, after receiving our food quickly, noticed that the manager was outside taking down the Queso Crunchwrap posters on the windows. I love the item and thought it would be cool to have one of these posters. We talked a little and she gave it to me and I was very happy. It was so cool to have that, and that she let me have it. Then I was thinking about putting it on the roof of my car, because it could fit. MY question is: Would you pay me to have my car painted "Taco Bell" or put magnets or something on it? That would be really awesome and I look forward to hearing what you have to say. I love Taco Bell and consider it a part of who I am.
Thank you very much,

It said that I would get a response, so that's cool. Now, I am just waiting to hear from them. I will let you all know what happens.


July 23, 2008

Compulsive Evil (Short Story)

A man walks nervously in the nighttime, inconspicuously as to blend in with his surroundings. Few and far between are lights in the street and in the darkness between them, he yearns to know why he does what he does, secretly, immediately returning to his rough, ominous appearance of shame. This man of the night is a thief, caught up in the license of living off the street. Forgive him, for he does not know what he does. He does not know why, either, only that his impetuosities are nostalgic to one such as him. He wishes he could disobey the feelings that bind him and make him who he is. No longer does he want to be constrained by ransacking others’ things. This is what his life has become.

The man delves into the darkness then makes his way up an apartment scaffold to where he finds an open window. "This is unusual," he thought, "This will be an easy steal." He looks into the seemingly untenanted home, feeling the gentle breeze of the cool night. He makes way through the window, stepping as lightly and quietly as the breeze blows, feeling footings on the floor below. The step down is further than what he is used to infiltrating and his balance and dark decorum are almost shattered. Yet, his entrance is executed with the utmost caution. Once inside the domain, he takes out a small flashlight, which he proceeds to sweep back and forth around the room, taking a respite from his journey thus far.

Our crook is a discreet one, his eyes ever watchful. He passes the light over what seems to be a doll, leaning on its feet in the corner. The beam shines elsewhere, and then returns to the location of the doll. It is gone. The burglar illuminates the other parts of the room, and as he comes back to the original location of the doll, it is there again. It does not move, is rather grotesque, and almost life-like. Our man is dauntless, as one must be in his position, but this doll frightens him, to the point where he feels that this house was a mistake to enter. He gathers himself up, turning to where the window was, or where he thought it was. He spins around, searching for the window, clenching his fists and getting anxious. The doll then appears right in front of him, screaming shrill shrieks of terror. The sound pervades his body. The man collapses onto the floor, being tortured by this creature. He then starts yelling at the top of his lungs, "Go Away!" His request is harshly denied by more and louder squawks from the apparently evil being.

Suddenly, the evil stops, and then starts again, this time explaining itself. It roars out "I was violently slaughtered in this apartment twenty years ago by an intruder. I have no mercy towards anyone who enters uninvited. All who do must die!!!" Our man responds "You are mistaken. I can not help what I do. What I do is compulsive, I cannot control it." Anger pours out of the evil in front of him and it says, "No mercy!" The man received no compassion from the entity. His small flashlight falls from his tightened fist, rolls on the floor, and shuts off on its own. The Evil of thievery claims another.

I wrote this for my grade 11 English class. The assignment was a "morbid essay" and this is what I came up with. I received an A+ (50/50, 100%) for it.

July 22, 2008

The Dark Knight, Step Brothers, Tropic Thunder

These are all movies that I want to see ASAP. First of all, The Dark Knight shattered box office records of all sorts and just looks plain awesome. The Joker character looks very intriguing, and is made more intriguing by the fact that Heath Legder is no longer alive. The movie itself just looks so dark, which I suppose is the point of the name.

The second is Step Brothers, with Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly, the same duo that stars in Ricky Bobby. I watched a trailer for this movie online way before it was set to come out in theaters and I was ROTFLOL. (Rolling on the floor laughing out loud) I love Will Ferrell and he is incredibly funny.

Unlike the previous two movies, this one is not out yet. Tropic Thunder, with an all-star cast, just looks hilarious. I don't really know what to say about it, but it looks hilarious.

That's all for now...writing will be up soon....cuz I leave for Ocean City next week!!!!

for that whole week, so yeah!

July 21, 2008

5th Post! (Persuasion)

Hello, everyone!

I was just thinking about it and, if you want me to post some writing (story, poem, etc.), you are gonna have to persuade me!!!

Here's how it's going to work-

I need to get some subscribers and readers. To do this, I will advertise myself everywhere I can, mainly Myspace. Haha. Please, I really want to get the word out that this is a cool, fun place to discuss anything and everything.

I also want people to show me their persuasion skills. Get me to post; give me a reason to share my life with you!

If you stumble through blogs and come upon this one, please tell people that you saw it!!!

I will put up a new theme, so it looks nicer and more personable, also.

That is all for now, but perhaps I will post later today...if all goes well!

July 19, 2008

4th Post!!! (Pizza)

Good day to all who stumble upon this page!

I'm just going to jump right in tonight, so here it goes!

July is a month that holds many birthdays for people I know, mainly family. They are also all around the same day, all within the same week, I believe. Today was my cousin's party and by the way, why do we celebrate people's birthdays either way before or way after? I mean, I know I do it, too. I haven't had parties that are during the week, when most everyone is busy. I just feel like it's not actually the day that's being celebrated, it's the year, which I understand. However, what separates people's births are days, not just years. Are the days/dates not as important as the years? Perhaps they aren't. Maybe some just count the years as they go, but I think the actual day counts for something. Maybe even the time at which one was born is important, also. I suppose that is for the individual to decide, but I just feel like sometimes we make excuses. "Sorry Billy, your birthday's not on a Saturday, so there's not gonna be a party this year." I hope I don't have to say that to my child, not that his/her name will be Billy anyway.

Back to the party, it was more like an excursion. It started out at Putt-Putt Fun Center, which had changed a lot since I was there last. The first thing we did was play laser-tag. That was pretty fun, especially because I got to shoot at three young kids the whole time. My cousin (birthday boy), stepbrother, and I were on one team. The other team was made up of the 3 other friends. There were two, six-minute games. Although our forces seemed unstoppable, we lost both times. See, we were the green team. Usually the red team wins anyway, and I don't believe the arena or equipment was in good repair. I believe the game had it out for us, but it was all fun.

Next was mini-golf. Today, it was about 97 degrees. Excessive heat and being outside moving around do not mix very well. It felt like an eternity we were out there, but soon we returned inside to play games. Each child was given 8 tokens and then we would go to McDonald's for lunch. Of course, the tokens were gone faster than you could say "Don't use them all on ticket games. Play a game and enjoy it." I guess that isn't such a short statement. Regardless, the tokens were rapidly spent. McDonald's, here we come!

I had a first at McDonald's- a salad. I had heard that the salads were not any healthier than say, a Big Mac. I got one just to try it, though. I got the Bacon Ranch one with grilled chicken because chicken and bacon are very good together. They are to me, anyway. It really wasn't that great, like it could have been more chilled, but I looked at the Nutrition Facts sheet on the back of the placemat thing on the tray, and this was the "healhiest" salad they had. That was kind of weird, I thought.

I went back home after eating, with my stepbrother, who would a little later go back with my cousin's mom to the pool down the road. Instead of going to the pool with them, I stayed and helped my mom and stepdad with the downstairs patio. We are in the process of screening it in. They had been out in the heat since 9:45, I think. It was about 3:00 when I started helping, so they had been out there for a long while. We worked really hard and around 5:00 we stopped to go to the pool. We stayed for an hour or so, then left to go bck home and order pizza. My mom was really tired so, I could tell she didn't want to cook anything.

The pizza and stuff was great, the best I believe I've ever had. If you have the chance to, get one of those Pizza Mia's from none other than Pizza Hut. They are really astounding.

I do a lot of product placement in my posts. Maybe I should get a deal with some places to advertise them in my blog and in turn, they could advertise me a little. That would be awesome!

So, writing is on it's way! I have some words on paper that I will transfer over to here for people's joy. I hope you enjoy it and I hope you sleep really well.

I hope I do too. Church tomorrow, so all of you who do that...Have fun!

Good Night

July 18, 2008

3rd Post! (Chinese Fooood)

Hey everyone, I just got back from my grandmother's....or i guess she would be my great grandmother...but no one says that. Haha. She bought us Chinese from some delivery place nearby and, after figuring out what Chop Suey was, we ordered a lot of food for 4 people (Mom, stepdad, g-ma, and I). It was like $36 and that's more than we usually pay for the Chinese place right down the street from us, so I figured it would be the best ever. I ordered my usual Sesame Chicken and, to my dismay, it was not "the best." I was slightly shocked because everywhere I have gotten sesame chicken, it has been amazing. And then, for this to not even be half as good as most places, it just confused me.

In spite of all this, I was still happy to have Chinese food. If I could eat Chinese food as much as I eat American food, I definitely would. I might be able to eat it everyday of the week... maybe.

This morning, I played tennis with a friend from school, my mom, and my stepbrother. It gets really hot really quick. You have all these preconceived notions about how you're just going to go out there and have a lot of fun and try not to notice or bother with the heat. Those are false, all the time. You do notice the heat, at about the same time as you get out of the air conditioned car. I always wonder if I should crank the heat up before getting out into the heat, like maybe it would feel cooler outside than it did in your heated car. "Hey, you think this is hot, you should have been in my car on the way here," I would say if I actually went through with that thought.

Back to tennis, I really want and need to play with people who are at the same level with me, or perhaps a bit better. You get better by playing people more experienced than you, who play with better techniques, or so I've heard. If I people who fit that, I should hopefully pick up the correct techniques that make them better. It's not that I don't like playing people who aren't advanced as me, but I would enjoy it more if they could hit consistently enough.

Backtracking once again, the fortune in my fortune cooky was split in two, one half in one side and the other in the other side. So it was ripped, and after I ate just enough to open the side with the paper still in it, I read my fortune. "Depart not from the path which fate has you assigned" This actually sounded like a real bit of truth that could be applied in life. Then, I remembered it was ripped. Is that a sign??? Am I going to stray "from the path which fate has" assigned me? I hope this doesn't happen, but I just couldn't help pondering it.

To anyone who plays the lottery-

Daily numbers: 1 9 4
Lotto Six #'s: 43 7 34 19 2 5

Good night and good luck!

July 16, 2008

2nd post!!!

Are you freakin' kidding me?!!?!?!?!

I just had a huge story.....and then I apparently pressed delete somehow.....I did that yesterday too. Well that sucks!

Lot of typing made short:

I went through 5 rackets within a week and am getting a new one! The one pictured.

So yes. Must remember to save to a Word document like, really often. I don't even know what button I pressed...


My first ever Blog (4 Real)

Hello to everyone who is or will be reading this!
Welcome to a blog for everyone! Yes, I did just changed fonts mid-sentence. I am merely demonstrating to readers that I am fun and can change on a whim. That said "whim" and was written in Webdings. I do not know what you would ever need such fonts as webdings, but would love to know if anyone ever finds out. Apart from this site, I have a Myspace (which has the same name- Your Neighbor, What a Guy). On there, I have placed a blog once, a short story I did for my English class last year. You must become my friend on Myspace to view it, however.

Regarding what I wil post:
I could post anything from my day to something I observe out there in the real world, or what I am doing at that time. Have fun!

Music, Movies, Video games, and just Life will probably be discussed. So will writing. I write some stuff...Poetry, stories, songs, etc. I will post when I think of something, if I think it's worthy. Critiques are welcomed and I would love to know what you think!

I am a Christian and will post things about my spiritual life from time to time, also. If you do not feel that these views are not for you, I respect your views and can only wish you knew the great life that I have as a Christian.

On an ending note, I would just like to thank everyone that made this possib.....

I mean, ummm... Thank you for reading and please tell your friends!!!