July 22, 2008

The Dark Knight, Step Brothers, Tropic Thunder

These are all movies that I want to see ASAP. First of all, The Dark Knight shattered box office records of all sorts and just looks plain awesome. The Joker character looks very intriguing, and is made more intriguing by the fact that Heath Legder is no longer alive. The movie itself just looks so dark, which I suppose is the point of the name.

The second is Step Brothers, with Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly, the same duo that stars in Ricky Bobby. I watched a trailer for this movie online way before it was set to come out in theaters and I was ROTFLOL. (Rolling on the floor laughing out loud) I love Will Ferrell and he is incredibly funny.

Unlike the previous two movies, this one is not out yet. Tropic Thunder, with an all-star cast, just looks hilarious. I don't really know what to say about it, but it looks hilarious.

That's all for now...writing will be up soon....cuz I leave for Ocean City next week!!!!

for that whole week, so yeah!