August 16, 2008

Two Down...

...and some more to go! I have seen The Dark Knight twice and also know where to find it online if I really want it. I still have not seen Step Brothers and probably won't, at least not in theaters. I saw Tropic Thunder today and it was really funny! They cursed a lot (who knew Tom Cruise was capable of all that), which I could do without. All in all, it was a funny movie with a really neat concept.

That is what I did today. Then, I went to play miniature golf with two friends and of course, ate. The food place that is right there is pretty good, although their ice cream is definitely better than their food in comparison. We played on the Challenge Course, the one that doesn't have the bridges or elephants or bowling pins to traverse. This one was just tough with curves and holes everywhere. I lost my first ball. It was green and then I went to get a new one, which was an almost-neon yellow. It practically glowed. Right off the bat (or putter), I was dominating. The first hole- Hole in One! It was a par 2, but what was really amazing (I just noticed on the score card) was that I got another hole in one on a par 4. That is amazing, if I do say so. Hole number ten was the lucky hole. At the end of the game, I counted all the scores on my phone (gotta love technology!) and the one girl had a morbid 72 and the other had a disappointing 58. I came out on top with an astonishing 44, being 5 strokes under the total par of 49! I think they should give out a prize if you do beat par. Or they could keep the card and when a tournament was announced, they could call me to play! Ha ha ha ha!

My day was great and I hope yours was too! But, now it is time for me to watch Phelps hopefully get his 8th gold!!! Go Phelps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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